Ads.txt Not Found Error in WordPress website 2024

Learn the steps to fix WordPress’ “ads.txt not found” problem. Create and maintain your ads.txt file using our simple steps to maintain your site’s brand and ads revenue.

The error message “ads.txt not found” may appear on your Google AdSense . This problem may have an impact on both your website’s popularity and ads revenue. We’ll go over the meaning of the ads.txt file, its importance and how to resolve “ads.txt not found” in this blog.

Why is ads.txt Important?

1.Prevents Ad Fraud: You may lessen the possibility of fraudulent ads showing up on your website by designating authorized merchants.
2.Revenue Protection: You can safeguard your ad revenue by limiting the sale of your goods to approved vendors only.
3.Establishes Trust: Websites with a well-executed ads.txt file have a higher chance of earning the trust and investment of advertisers.

Common Causes of “ads.txt Not Found” Error

  1. File Not Created: The ads.txt file hasn’t been created or uploaded to your site.
  2. Incorrect Placement: The file is not placed in the root directory of your website.
  3. Formatting Issues: Errors in the formatting of the ads.txt file can prevent it from being recognized.
Ads.txt not found

How to Fix “ads.txt Not Found” Error in WordPress

Try Method 1: Using a Plugin
ads.txt Not Found
  1. Install and Activate Plugin: Use a plugin like “Ads.txt Manager”.
  2. Ads.txt: Go to wordpress dashboard- setting-Ads.txt then past this code, before past this code replace your AdSense ID :pub-0000000000000000
ads.txt, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

3. Save Changes: Save your changes and verify that the ads.txt file. Go to your site (serchbar) enter your then enter now you see this code.

Checking the Ads.txt Document
Check that the ads.txt file is correctly recognized by going to after applying it. A few days can go before changes appear in your AdSense account.

Resolving the WordPress error “ads.txt not found” is essential to preserving your ad revenue and website’s reputation. These procedures will assist you in successfully fixing the issue, no matter whether you decide to manually upload the file or use a plugin. To maintain ongoing security against ad fraud and unauthorized purchases, keep your ads.txt file updated.


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